First Draft

Lumppii Filed Under:
I believe that good things await for hard working good people.

My mother was born in the Philippines in a city named Pangisinan. A picture below shows the lifestyle my mother experienced.

My mother was a kind loving person all her life she was not the best at school and she was not perfect but she was full of love for everyone especially her family. She was the oldest of 5 siblings, and as the oldest she had to take care of everyone and her parents, go to school and take care of the fields. She not drop out of school and she finished her high school education. Only her and one of her brothers and one of her sisters completed high school.

It has been my mothers dream to come to America all of her life, "The richest country, the country of the free, a home for everyone, the perfect country". She thought about it all the time but in her mind she always thought to herself, "I'm crazy, how would I get to America? I dont have a college education, not many Americans even come here, and sometimes it take over 20 years to get a green card legally from those americans! But someday...just maybe...I can go to america and give my family so much more, in so many ways." And her time was soon to come....

One day she was just hanging around the street with her friends and an old woman grabbed her hand and read her palm. The woman could not speak very well but she put her hand to her heart, imitated an airplane flying with her hand implying that my mother will fly in an airplane. My mother was taken aback and thought she was crazy. But one day while she was working in the beauty shop where she was employed, my father, the American sailor walked inside and had a fondness for my mother. He had my mother do his toes (lol) and came back to chat with my mother everyday. my mom initially did not like him but started to like him more and more because he was such a nice person. He brought her ice cream, took her places, and started dating. They were in love.

They married after knowing each other for only a short time (about 8 months) and my father took my mom to live in America! My mother was thrilled and scard at the same time. Because of 2 reasons: Se was going to America and because she thought my father was rich (lol he was not too well off either). But her dream was achived and a wonderful thing happened.

Good things await for hard working good people, this I believe.

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1 Response to "First Draft"

  1. muckypup Says:
  2. thats a cool story. good fer ur mom to make her life better for heself

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